What Women Don't Want
Women's turn offs are typically based on hygiene. I had fun listening to the feedback from the ladies on this side of the spectrum. Women do not know what it is they want, but they know exactly what they don't want. Men, on the other hand, know what they want and are more likely to deal with what they don't want. In general, men and women think very differently about the opposite sex. Let me just get into the responses.
Bad Breath – Definitely at the top of the list. Ladies really dislike bad breath. Fellas you should know if you sh*t ain't fresh. If you don’t know, take the test. Taste whats going on in your mouth, if you don’t get that fresh minty or sweet gum satisfaction, you need to do something about it. There is not a such thing as decent breath. It’s either good, or it’s HORRIBLE.
Hair Cut - The hair can make or break you. Different women think certain styles are sexier or more presentable than others, but they all agree that it has to be neat. Most women prefer a well-groomed man.
Dirty Nails - If you take care of your hands, you probably take care of your body.
Stupidity/Whack Conversation - The right words can turn a women on for the moment. the wrong words can make a women leave your ass alone forever.
Jobless - Women, in general prefer a many with a job. It shows that you are doing something to promote yourself. You have the potential to take care of yourself, and her if needed. if you have no job, you are labeled a bumb. Get a job fam, then go back and get the girl.
AAAAYYYYYOOOOO, CCCOOOOMMMMMEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR MA - No matter what your friends do, this is not the way to get a women's attention. It might work for the birds, but not with anyone worth wifing. They also claim they do not like when we grab them, as a man, I find this hard to believe.
Flight Jackets - This is the male equivalent of chinese sneakers. Burn it.
Fucked up sneakers - Same rules apply as the finger nails. If you take care of your feet, you take care of your body. Throw them raggedy ass tims in the garbage.
Height - Women do prefer height fellas. When asked how tall, they answered 6'1" or better. I'm 6'5" and I love it. LOL. Women do not want to be able to look at their man eye to eye while standing up.
Answering Phone during Conversation - Considered rude. I can really understand this one. What are you doing guy?? You picking up the phone over and over again shows that you are not into her.
"Babysitting his own child" - How is it possible to babysit your own child?? WTF?? Are you getting paid for this?? Do not ever say this to a women, even by accident. Immediate turnoff. Substitute the word babysitting with chilling or spending time with your child.
Ladies, I'm setting this up for PART II. Email me at SamiKash@Gmail.Com with the feedback.
S Dott New Track of the Day Gucci Mane Ft. Wingo of Jagged Edge - Buss It Down
S Dott Old School Track of the Day Foxy Brown Ft. Method Man - Ill Na Na
If you do not remember this song, do some research. This was foxy at her best. What happened to Foxy?? Has anyone seen her?? I'm bout to an APB out on Foxy and invite her washed up ass to my party. I used to have the craziest crush on Foxy in 9th grade. She was on thetop of list followed immediately by Stacy Dash and Jennifer Lopez.
I must shout out everyone who has given me feedback. I really appreciate it. I'm trying to keep this blog as real as possible, so you point of views matter mucho. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
LMFAO at "the male equivalent of chinese slippers". Church out!