Seriously. I know you have been to the strip club and seen that 1 guy who can't get enough. He treats the strip club like a social lounge and tries to bag every stripper that pops her ass. Thirsty. This guy gets attitudes if she dances for another man. I know a bunch of people who have talked to strippers. I know a couple who have wifed a stripper. In the end, there's never anything good to say about the situation. Yeah, she's bad. She knows all the right moves. I mean, ALLLL the right moves. If you ever got the chance, what would honestly be going through your head??
Some dudes are cool with having sex with hookers. I'm not one of them. I'm not 'directly' paying for it, but that's a whole other topic. Plus, there are too many diseases flying around our society. You might f*ck around and get the bird flu running up in something. Condoms protect you from 99.9% of them, but condoms pop. I'm not saying that all strippers are hookers. I'm not even calling most strippers hookers, but if she lets you smash, there's a strong possibility that you are far from her first customer.
Back to topic - Have you ever heard the interviews of strippers. It's their job to milk the money out of your pockets. When a man tries to impress a stripper, they do not attempt to reduce the man's spending. They sit around shaking that ass in front of you until that money runs out. Then they spend some time with the next dummy looking to toss next months mortgage and car payment on the floor. It's not likely, the stripper will fall in love on the job. They are professional seducers of cash. You must understand that this is their job. Are you really willing to give up everything Jay-Z talks about in this song??
Don't let T-Pain's I'm In Love With A Stripper gas you. Think about it, what do you think a Tip Drill really is. It has nothing to do with sex. It's a dance that the stripper does to make you TIP her. It's not cool to fall in love with a stripper. If you meet her in the mall or at a night club, do what you do. But stop going to her job trying to f*ck. Take the lap dance and be satisfied.
Shout out to Sue's Rendezvous AKA my favorite strip club. The girls go crazy in there, then they take their showers in front of you to wash off the chocolate syrup, saliva, sticky drinks and whatever else gets on their body in the course of action.