Sunday, September 19, 2010

Identity Security

Until last week, I really haven't thought much about identity security. I figured in order for someone to want to steal your identity, you had to be rich and since I'm not rich yet, I'm safe. My thoughts, "no one identity is getting stolen in the hood." The fact that I'm writing about identity security foreshadows the next statement. "Niggas in the hood get their identity stolen too B."

Somebody stole my information and was using my credit card. They used unnoticeable amounts. $15.87, $7.32, etc. Most people would expect that these amounts would be a lot higher. There's a science to this identity stealing trick, when you take insignificant amounts, you can do it more often. If you took $1000, form a regular person, they will notice it. If you take a few dollars here and there, from someone who doesn't view their statement daily, you can continue to do so for months, maybe even years. These hacks are stealing the information for hundreds of thousand people and stealing insignificant amount systematically. Stealing millions and people are not even noticing what's going on.

After talking to people, I know a lot of people who turned 18 and was denied credit because they had outstanding bills in their names from when they were children. This occurs a lot in the hood. People get a child's social security number and create utility accounts in their name.

One of my best friends was jobless for two years because his cousin stole his identity. He was pulled over by the cops with a pistol on him. He was already a felon, so instead of stating his own name, he used my friends. He ended up getting charged with criminal possession once the prints came back, but the cops never erased my friends name and social out of the system. Three years late, my friend applied for a job that rejected him because of his "criminal background." It took 26 months to clear his name.

I'm now looking for identity security protection. I have found one superior to the others, but I want to make sure it's the BEST before I endorse it. I'll let you know what I find.

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